pre-commit: Hooks reference

My selection of commonly used pre-commit hooks for different languages and tools.

2024-05-11 · 8 min · Gabriel Mello Silva

Git Hooks and pre-commit

pre-commit is a multi-language package manager for a set of Git hooks. It is a great tool for projects of any size, helping using and sharing hooks that check for code quality.

2024-04-18 · 9 min · Gabriel Mello Silva

Productivity and IPython for Data Science

Failing when working on something new is a given. Iterate quickly, fail fast. This post shows how IPython can change your workflow and how to set up it on VS Code.

2023-03-12 · 7 min · Gabriel Mello Silva
Romanesco cauliflower (

Mandelbrot and Julia sets

Fractals are a beautifully complex – and I usually do not use these words together – topic in Mathematics. This post scratches the theory behind with two well-know fractals.

2022-02-08 · 6 min · Gabriel Mello Silva